Monday, December 12, 2011

October 25, 2011 - Ups and downs

The lump under Sydney’s left eye has gotten bigger so I started to use cesium topically again October 14th. It definitely swelled up like “they” said it would. Her right eye really bulged out and breathing became very difficult for her. That lasted about 4 days. By October 21st it started to get smaller. Today it is MUCH better than it was the 14th and she has her spunk back. She didn’t want to eat or play when the swelling was big. Now she seems to sleep better, want to play, looks better and just has a better all-around sense of being. I am still using it 2x a day (sometimes I forget and only do it once) There was one day she really didn’t want me to put it on so I only used it once that day.

So she has reached the 9 month mark and now my goal for her is to make it to her 11th birthday. Something I NEVER thought was possible but now just might be probable. :) (I love ending these entries with a smiley)

By "they" I mean the websites that talk about cesium causing swelling before the tumor decreases. I have cited throughout this blog but there are many more websites if you Google cesium cancer.

I wish I had taken a picture between Oct 14 & 21 but I did not. The swelling was large enough that looking at her straight on, it hid most of her left eye. She lost the curvature of her forehead so it was a steady slope from her nose to the top of her head.
 Picture taken October 23, 2011

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